Euro Gamer Expo 2014


Greetings readers, on Sunday 28th of September, I went to the Euro Gamer Expo held at Earls Court, London. Euro Gamer is the UKs biggest gaming exhibition, showcasing all the biggest games from all the big developers. It runs for 4 days starting on the 25th and ending on the 28th, I was only able to make one day, believe me one day is NOT enough time to explore everything there, I felt like I only scratched the surface, but it was a very enjoyable day out nonetheless! Euro Gamer floor   One of the first things  I saw upon entering the building was a game being played on a SNES, yes thats right, a Super Nintendo Entertainment System which launched in the UK on 11th of April 1992. The game being played was Super Mario Kart where the crowd were given a chance to try and beat the world record time of…

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My Cosplay!

As I said in my last post about the LFCC, I was inspired to cosplay at next years event. So what have I chosen to cosplay as? Some thing nice and easy of course… or not! I have chosen to make a full set of Terminus Armour from the game Mass Effect 3 (I believe it was in ME2 as well if you had the right pre-order code).

So what does it look like you might ask, well…:




I have been thinking of the best way to make this armour set is by using Pepakura, this is a program that has a vast community of people supporting it and lets you print out on card (paper not recommended)  all sorts of models, including armour sets from most games/films. You just print out the pattens, stick them together and you have your armour.

3view fr si baterminus chest


When its all made out of card the next step that I would do is cover it in Fiberglass mesh stuck on with Fiberglass resin when this sets it should be rock hard but light. Modelling foam can be stuck on and carved to make de-tales where needed, or plaster is good for that as well. when its all dry, sandpaper can be used to smooth it out, then its off for painting! I think I’ll need some sort of prop to go with it, still thinking about that so I’ll make a post in the future.

For now that’s all, hope you have a great day!


London Film and Comic Con 2014!

I have just got back from attending the London Film and Comic Con that took place at Earls Court, starting on Friday 11th to Sunday 13th July. The event was massive, bringing in over 100,000 people over the three days, sadly I was only able to make the Sunday, but below are some photos the I managed to take. A lot of TV and film stars showed up including Carrie Fisher, Ian McDiarmid and Lena Headly to name just a few, also this convention is Stan Lee’s last ever european comic con.

I really enjoyed my time there looking at all the stores and the pretty random items some have for sale, the cosplayers were out in force and some of the costumes were incredible! The only complaint that I had about the day was the price that the celebrities where charging just to get a autograph and some were even charging just to speak to them, Ian McDiarmid was the most expensive at £70! Carrie Fisher came in second at £60! I understand why there is a charge for autographs and the like, to cover the costs of the actor attending also I expect that the convention organizers also would have had to pay out to get the likes of Lena Headly to attend in the first place (the amount of people that would have attended to just see these celebrities would i’m sure have payed for its investment with ticket sales at the door) but £20 – £25 being a average price, really? I might expect £5 – £10 since these people have already been payed more then most of the general public to star in the films/TV shows that made them famous in the first place, also is it not the fans that make these people famous? But the good thing about fans is that they are always going to be easy to milk extra cash from. Any way RANT OVER!

Now for some of the pictures!

imag0102Optimus Prime, Barricade and Bumblebee were there to greet us!

bat2bat1Adam West’s Batmobile (top) and Michael Keaton’s Batmobile (bottom)



Maleficent came first in the amateur cosplay contest winning £100


This Jawa, who was played by a 8 year old, came second winning £20. (He was very pleased!)


All of the amateur cosplayers that took part.



This female barbarian outfit from Diablo 3 (Yel Zamor) came first in the Pro-Cosplay contest wining £250, she gave all her winnings to Lady Noctis who is doing a “Hair today gone tomorrow” head shave for Cancer Research UK. (Something close to my hart since my dad has just been diagnosed with cancer, donate here!).


These are all of the cosplayers that took park in the pro-cosplay contest.


And the winners of the pro-cosplay, the Penguin, the couple from Disneys “Frozen”, and the Female Barbarian from Diablo 3.

Thats some of the best shots that I took, i might upload the rest later on in to a gallery. I was so inspired with all the cosplay that me and a friend are going to cosplay at next years LFCC! I leave you with:

hodor“Hordor! Hordor! Hordor”


Oh, and George Remero! (If you don’t know who he is, then you need a slap!).